1 із 2
Last name
Check that the data is entered correctly
First name
Check that the data is entered correctly
Middle name or patronymic
Check that the data is entered correctly
Phone number
Check that the data is entered correctly
Check that the data is entered correctly
Please tell us about yourself. How long have you been running? Have you participated in races or marathons before?
Check that the data is entered correctly
In which city or country do you plan to run the 'Race for Two'?
Check that the data is entered correctly
Why did you decide to join the 'Race for Two'? Do you know any soldiers who are undergoing treatment after being wounded in action?
If you would like to add any other information, please do so here:
I consent to the
use of my personal data
among the participants of the Nova Post's First Barrier-Free Marathon on September 22, 2024.
Consent is required to complete registration